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Pastor DJ Harry
Your Culture is Showing! Cultural Context and Bible Interpretation
Recently I was teaching the Resurrection story to a group of kids in our church and I never considered how much culture would play into...

Pastor DJ Harry
Culture War of Ideas…10 were bad and 2 were good
I fondly remember singing this simple song as a child. Twelve men went to spy on Canaan…ten were bad and two were good. What do you think...

Pastor DJ Harry
11 Essential Worldview Topics for Your Family
“Many parents, when faced with a truth that is difficult to communicate, will gladly remain quiet to avoid the conversation.” In life...

Pastor DJ Harry
Parenting – Enough With Shallow Kids…Drive Them Deeper!
I Almost Drowned! It was a hot summer day in Atlanta GA. Green Isles Apartment had a community pool that was calling our name! We...

Pastor DJ Harry
Swimming Upstream: 7 Proven Techniques To Fight Secular Culture in Your Home!
Swept Away! Several years ago we visited a theme park in Tennessee. It was a busy weekend and there were people everywhere! At the time...

Pastor DJ Harry
Beauty and the Beast – Objectionable Elements in Entertainment
Here’s the scenario: You and your kids have been waiting months for the release of the newest remake of your favorite childhood movie....

Pastor DJ Harry
11 Dangerous Apps For Kids!
Two years ago our family moved from Charleston SC to rural North Carolina. It was humorous to watch our youngest daughter stare at the...

Pastor DJ Harry
Should Christians Really Use Facebook?
When Facebook was in its infancy, no one ever imagined that a social platform of that type could grow to over 1.6 billion active users....

Pastor DJ Harry
Christians and Social Media (part 2)
How would you rate your social media presence as a Christian? Do your words and reactions demonstrate a Christ-like approach to dealing...

Pastor DJ Harry
Christians and Social Media
I remember the day I purchased my first cell phone. I can recall when my dad bought our first computer. I actually remember the day I...
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