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Pastor DJ Harry
Theology Driven Methodology in the Local Church
Culture Changes Quickly I once heard it said…defining your culture is like hitting a moving target. -In the Middle Ages, culture took...

Pastor DJ Harry
5 Critical Considerations Before Any Ministry Change
BACKGROUND… I have been involved in local church ministry all of my life. My parents are missionaries. My first calling occupation was a...

Pastor DJ Harry
A Millennial Pastor’s Guide to Sharpening and Counsel
-introduction written by Pastor DJ Harry, article written by Pastor Stephen Russ Where do you seek your counsel? From your peers? From...

Pastor DJ Harry
7 Steps to Prepare Your Church to Help a Hurting Community
Community Tragedy Dear Friend, it is time to be honest with ourselves and our congregations.  We are living in a culture of hurt that no...

Pastor DJ Harry
7 Insightful Church Trends for 2018
Church Trends Give Perspective I have been blessed with good vision! My wife has always struggled through wearing glasses or ordering...

Pastor DJ Harry
Salvation…How Young is Too Young?
How young is too young for salvation? This is the age old dilemma that Christian parents from every culture must face.  ‘How young is too...

Pastor DJ Harry
5 Proven Tips to Help 100% of Children’s Church Workers
Christianity Today did a group of surveys in 2012 and found that 60% of churched kids will walk away by the age of 15. Why this exodus...

Pastor DJ Harry
Christian summer camps are expensive!! What is their value?
It is that time of the year again…time to begin planning summer vacation, weekend trips to the mountains, and/or summer plans for the...

Pastor DJ Harry
Why Church Visitors Don’t Come Back!
As you sit back Sunday afternoon and reflect on the morning services, you are excited to have seen some new faces. Â You had guests!!...

Pastor DJ Harry
The Danger of ‘Proof Texting’ Scripture
The accessibility of digital search features have made searching for ‘proof texts’ a commonplace occurrence in the lives of many...

Pastor DJ Harry
The Danger of Being American
We live in a great country. Â I would argue that we live in the best country in the world. Â The rights and freedoms that Americans enjoy...

Pastor DJ Harry
The Importance of ‘Purpose’ part 3
In parts one and two of this topic we looked at the importance of developing a clear purpose for your ministry and the necessity of...
Pastor DJ Harry
The Importance of ‘Purpose’ part 2
In part one, we established that it is imperative that churches and ministries have clear goals and purposes. Â What is the source of...

Pastor DJ Harry
How can your ministry have purpose?Â
Nothing in life happens by accident….except for accidents! I have only been in one automobile accident in my years of driving. I was...
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