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Pastor DJ Harry
5 Critical Considerations Before Any Ministry Change
BACKGROUND… I have been involved in local church ministry all of my life. My parents are missionaries. My first calling occupation was a...

Pastor DJ Harry
A Millennial Pastor’s Guide to Sharpening and Counsel
-introduction written by Pastor DJ Harry, article written by Pastor Stephen Russ Where do you seek your counsel? From your peers? From...

Pastor DJ Harry
7 Steps to Prepare Your Church to Help a Hurting Community
Community Tragedy Dear Friend, it is time to be honest with ourselves and our congregations.  We are living in a culture of hurt that no...

Pastor DJ Harry
The Importance of ‘Purpose’ part 3
In parts one and two of this topic we looked at the importance of developing a clear purpose for your ministry and the necessity of...
Pastor DJ Harry
The Importance of ‘Purpose’ part 2
In part one, we established that it is imperative that churches and ministries have clear goals and purposes. Â What is the source of...

Pastor DJ Harry
How can your ministry have purpose?Â
Nothing in life happens by accident….except for accidents! I have only been in one automobile accident in my years of driving. I was...
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