When we are in good health we take it for granted so easily! We move in and out of everyday life without giving a second thought to feeling good. Sometimes God brings us sharp reminders that our health, and life, is fragile. Can I share a personal story?
Thursday morning I was awakened by sharp and loud screams from our oldest daughter. At first I thought she had dropped something, however, it

Moore County EMS
became evident very quickly that there was more to her alarm. My wife and I ran through the house and into the restroom where Katelyn was holding the limp body of our third child, Emma. As they were working on their hair, she had passed out and was collapsing to the floor. Katelyn was desperately trying to keep her from hitting her head, so my wife and Katelyn gently brought her to the floor. As she laid there, her face and head were moving slightly back and forth. Our fears grew as we initially feared that she was having a seizure.
Her color was pale and her skin was clammy, however, her heart beat was steady and she was breathing normal. After the initial face movements, she was still and quiet. It was a few short minutes before the emergency services arrived but it seemed like an eternity. As we waited, and almost in an instant, she quietly came to consciousness. She obviously was confused as to why she was on the floor, but was very aware of her surroundings and had full capacities of memory.
As the medics took her vitals and began their overall analysis, it became clear that she had not suffered from any type of brain function abnormality.

Rather, her blood sugar was low. Don’t get me wrong, it hadn’t bottomed out. But for a young lady whose body chemistry is changing, who was standing under a hot hair dryer in a bathroom with all the mirror lights on, that small sugar deficiency was enough to send her body over the edge. After taking in some peanut butter and a spoonful of honey, her energy was back and she has felt just fine!
Why do I share this story? Because every day many of us walk around with healthy bodies and never take the time to thank God for our well-being. How self-centered we are when it comes to our own healthy body. When things are going right we go to work, to school, and leisure without giving a second thought to the wellness that God has graciously provided. Then when things go wrong we cry to God. “God, please help…I need you!!” That should be the cry of our hearts every day!
My Prayer for today:
Thank you Lord for your goodness.
Thank you for health. Thank you for blessings.
Lord, thank you for bringing situations in my life to remind me of how you bless us in small ways every day. You are a good God!
DJHarry Isaiah 64:8 We are the clay!