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Pastor DJ Harry
The 5 Deadly Sins of Parenting
-this article was written by pastor DJ Harry, husband-father-pastor-teacher-author -for more articles on the home and parenting, visit...
Pastor DJ Harry
11 Simple Helps for Parenting a Fearful Child
Is your child dominated by fear? Would you classify your son or daughter as a fearful child? If so, you are not alone in this realm of...
Pastor DJ Harry
Trusting God Through Tough Parenting
Tough Parenting I forgot how busy college life can be! This summer marks 20 years since I walked across stage and then walked down the...
Pastor DJ Harry
Culture War of Ideas…10 were bad and 2 were good
I fondly remember singing this simple song as a child. Twelve men went to spy on Canaan…ten were bad and two were good. What do you think...
Pastor DJ Harry
11 Essential Worldview Topics for Your Family
“Many parents, when faced with a truth that is difficult to communicate, will gladly remain quiet to avoid the conversation.” In life...
Pastor DJ Harry
Think the ‘X Plan’ is Awesome? Here Are 7 Reasons Why It’s Not!
‘X Plan’ Scenario So here is the scenario laid out in many articles that describe the ‘x plan’. Your child goes out and is confronted...
Pastor DJ Harry
Parenting – Enough With Shallow Kids…Drive Them Deeper!
I Almost Drowned! It was a hot summer day in Atlanta GA. Green Isles Apartment had a community pool that was calling our name! We...
Pastor DJ Harry
Swimming Upstream: 7 Proven Techniques To Fight Secular Culture in Your Home!
Swept Away! Several years ago we visited a theme park in Tennessee. It was a busy weekend and there were people everywhere! At the time...
Pastor DJ Harry
5 Ways You Might Be “Provoking Your Children To Wrath”
No one will have as much influence on the life of your child as you will! Don’t let that scare you…that is God’s design for the family!...
Pastor DJ Harry
Beauty and the Beast – Objectionable Elements in Entertainment
Here’s the scenario: You and your kids have been waiting months for the release of the newest remake of your favorite childhood movie....
Pastor DJ Harry
27 Life Skills Your Kids Need!
“Kids these days!!” Have you ever heard that?…Have you every said that??!! Kids These Days “Kids these days don’t know how to do...
Pastor DJ Harry
Beware of the Self Esteem Scam!…and 5 ways to help your kids avoid it!
If you think your child’s self esteem is the most important building block to their development, you might be hurting your child in the...
Pastor DJ Harry
7 Secrets to Gain Your Child’s Heart
Have you ever had to break difficult news to your family? As a fathers this is not only hard but something we try to avoid. I remember...
Pastor DJ Harry
Has “The Little Mermaid” Worldview Infected Your Home?
Entertainment is always teaching a worldview. No matter what you listen to or watch, the things we are putting into our ears and eyes...
Pastor DJ Harry
7 Lessons You Didn’t Learn in School…But Need to Teach Your Kids!!
Raise your hand if you have ever heard these sayings.… “You get what you pay for.” “What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.” ...
Pastor DJ Harry
5 Principles for Proper Discipline
I remember how confused I was as a father when it came time to discipline our first child. It was both awkward and difficult to find the...
Pastor DJ Harry
9 Ways to Raise Brats!
GROCERY STORE DISASTER Have you seen grocery store brats? Here’s the scoop!! Two weeks ago I was doing some last minute shopping in the...
Pastor DJ Harry
Christian summer camps are expensive!! What is their value?
It is that time of the year again…time to begin planning summer vacation, weekend trips to the mountains, and/or summer plans for the...
Pastor DJ Harry
Encouraging Parents Regarding Their Children’s Education (PART 3)
If you have not had the opportunity to read the first two installments to this topic, I would like to encourage you to do so. Here are...
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